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“The Lord said to Samuel…’Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.’”

1 Samuel 16:1 (NIV)

Before David was anointed as King of Israel, he was a shepherd boy. Before he went on to conquer cities and lead a nation back to the heart of God, he watched sheep. All day, every day. On the outside, David didn’t really look like king material. But David never saw his age or career status as a negative. He only saw what God could do through him, even as a shepherd boy.

God used David’s life to slay a giant and to bring freedom to an entire nation! The good news is that God has a similar plan for our lives. He desires to use us to accomplish great things so that His kingdom can be glorified. However, not every person believes that. Not every person believes God wants to use them.

We must understand there’s an enemy who does not want us to fulfill our God-given destiny. So, he plants lies in the minds of every believer. He causes us to question our ability to be used by God. I’m too busy; I’m too old; I’m too young; I don’t know enough of the Word; I can’t speak well; I’m too timid; I’ve made to many mistakes; I’m just a “shepherd boy”, what can God do with me? The Bible says our enemy is the father of lies (John 8:44). But our God is the Father of truth. Focus on the TRUTH! God’s Word, and what His Word says about you!

We are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37)! Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9), because there are giants that need to come down in our city and in our nation. God has an amazing plan to use your life, just like David! Don’t believe any thoughts that tell you otherwise.

Let’s believe in God’s plan! He has a track record of using the most unlikely people to make the biggest impact. And He’s given us the ability to change our city with the gospel of Jesus Christ. All we need to do is believe! Together, we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God!

Growing up in the church, I was always told “God has a plan for you” and “the seed of greatness is on the inside of you.” I heard it so much, that I became familiar with it. That’s when the enemy began to attack my thought life with his lies. Thoughts like, “I’m not good enough”, and “I’ve made way too many mistakes”, and “Someone else will win people to Jesus” became strongholds in my mind. I knew the Word of God, yet all I believed were the enemies lies. Which is why I avoided any type of leadership role in church. I believed God would use me, but I wasn’t willing to let Him use me because of fear and insecurity. I needed to be set free.
So, I chose to do something radical. I took a big step of faith and attended a youth conference in Bogota, Colombia. It was there, spending time in God’s presence for an entire week, that I let go of fear and insecurity and discovered His plan for my life! I let go of every negative thought the enemy had tried to plant in my mind, and I realized His vision was to use me to win my generation for Jesus! Now, I’m completely surrendered to Him, and I’m fulfilling the call of God on my life to win souls and make disciples (alongside my beautiful wife). It was spending time in the secret place, in God’s presence, where I realized His plan for my life! (Branson Silva)

“I believe that God has an amazing plan for my life to change my state and my nation for Jesus!”


    • Old Testament: Ezra 10; Proverbs 8
    • New Testament: Luke 15:11-32; 1 Timothy 5:16-25