
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3 (NKJV)

Jesus is our Healer. It’s in His presence that you are made whole and the wounds of your life can be made whole – wholeness is found in Jesus and in Him alone. Jesus’ nature is to bring complete healing to anyone who asks for it. Whether that be in your body, mind, heart, finances, relationships, or any of area of your life that you are struggling with, it can be made whole again. His desire is for us to be whole and complete in Him in every area of our lives, as we were designed to be by God.

To heal and become whole again you must focus on the solution to our wholeness which is Jesus. Too many times, we focus on the hurt and pain that caused the brokenness in our life. The Word states in John 10: 10 (GNTD), “The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life — life in all its fullness.” Do not buy into the lies and tactics of the enemy. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Take your eyes and place it upon Jesus for He will give you wholeness again.

Know that wounds are temporary and there is no wound that Jesus cannot heal. The same healing power that rose Christ from the dead is available today for you and me. By spending time in the secret place with Jesus, your once fragmented, bleeding and broken heart can be made whole again. He can put the pieces of your life back together in such an extraordinary way that you will be better than you ever have been because your best is still yet to come.

During a particular period in my life, my heart had become consumed, crushed, and broken by the circumstances of my life. I felt so overwhelmed by everything that life was chaotic and I did not see a way out. I often felt breathless. But Jesus met me right where I was with His great unfailing, extravagant love. It was in those times of being consistent in my devotional life and in His presence, attending Life Group and conducting Life Group and being a part of church services that I was made whole. He breathed life back into me! Through His word, I surrendered my mind, will and emotions to God. Through surrender, He was able to make me whole with His word and His presence being a part of my life.

He wrapped Himself around the brokenness of my life and got into the middle of my mess. Through His Blood I was restored, made completely whole – better than I originally was! His healing brings freedom, newness, completeness, security, boldness, joy, peace and so much more and at such a level I have never experienced before, my heart was singing once again!

Today, right now as you are reading this, invite Jesus to breathe on you, to bind up your wounds and heal your heart. (Lisa Parker)

“Jesus, I need you, come and heal my heart, bind up my wounds. I declare by your Blood I have been made whole. Jesus you are my healer!”


    • Old Testament: 1 Chronicles 17-19; Psalms 132
    • New Testament: Luke 9:1-17; Colossians 4:1-9