Today’s Bible Verse

For a wide door of opportunity for effectual [service] has opened to me [there, a great and promising one], and [there are] many adversaries. 

1 Corinthians 16:9 (AMPC)

Uncommon Favor

It’s been said, “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity.”  In other words, we will have many opportunities to minister the Gospel, and we must seize the opportunity and not let it pass us by.  In this verse, Paul is saying a wide door of opportunity had opened, but it didn’t open without opposition.  It did not come without a challenge.

The enemy, the adversary, will not lay out the red carpet for us to preach the Gospel and to win the lost without a fight.  He will try to stop us, and that is why we must seize every opportunity by trusting and relying on Him with our faith. Every opportunity that God gives us demands a steadfast preserving attitude. (Pastor Chauncey Pang)

An Uncommon Life

A few years ago, I was asked by a disciple to join him for a hospital visit to pray for his friend who was diagnosed with stage-four cancer and given a short time to live.  We were not sure that he received Jesus and was born again.  Before arriving at the hospital, we prayed and believed that the Lord would open the door for us to minister to him.  At the hospital, we were advised at the nurses’ station that the instructions were: “no visitors and no prayer.”  

What appeared to be a closed-door did not move us.  We kept our faith to believe for favor and an open door.  We returned to the nurses’ station, inquired again, and one of the nurses approached us and remembered me from high school.  I let her know my purpose for being there.  She was reluctant at first because of the instructions given, but we chose to stay in faith.  She returned, advising us that the family was open and would allow us in.  We were able to pray with him, and he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. 

This is a testimony of the uncommon favor of God.  I believe we are going to experience more of these uncommon favorable situations in our lives in 2022! This is our year for the Uncommon Life to be lived out by faith to win souls and make disciples for the Kingdom of God.  Get ready for the open doors!

Today’s Declaration

I declare that this is my year of uncommon favor with God and with man.  I believe doors of opportunity will open for me to minister the Gospel.  I will choose to persevere in faith, believing for a favorable outcome.

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Genesis 24; Psalms 9
  • New Testament: Matthew 4:18-25; Acts 5:17-42