A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos
Today’s Bible Verse
Faith Makes Me Different
The Bible is full of testimonies of men and women of faith. Everything they did and conquered is an inspiration for each one of us. These people of faith had to live through times of difficulty, times of going without, and times of crisis. Nevertheless, their faith in God and their trust in the Lord gave them the means to obtain the victory over their circumstances. Something I have understood is that when people are under oppressive trials, these trials can form a veil that hinders them from seeing all the blessings that God has for their lives. However, we know that God’s purpose is not to remove the trial; rather, it is to give us the strength to overcome it.
After the negative report of the ten spies that weakened the faith of the people, God had to speak to the people of Israel telling them, “Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun” (Numbers 14:30).
Joshua and Caleb were great examples; their experiences are an important guide to us so that in the same way, through the development of simple and genuine faith like theirs, we may prove that it is possible to obtain great blessings from God for our lives. They became great leaders because when they were tested as gold in the fire, they came out refined and pure.
These two men had to live through one of the most difficult periods for the people of Israel – the period of crossing the wilderness. Although this was a test of fire, they were two courageous men who were able to receive the reward of entering and taking possession of the Promised Land. These two learned to move according to God’s Word and promises rather than by what surrounded them. Being negative acts like an arrow loaded with poison, producing insecurity and discouragement in people, with the sole purpose of taking them down, so that they die. Every leader with an attitude of triumph knows the power that words produce.
People who let themselves be controlled by fear will not take the necessary and fundamental steps to achieve success. Fear is one of the most clearly understood causes of failure, and its particular characteristic is to make people stray away from the purpose for which God sent them to this world, (Proverbs 29:25). Joshua and Caleb were free from fear; they did not give room to it, not even in the most innermost parts of their thought-life because they knew that fear is the opposite of faith. As servants of God, they could not afford to allow fear to settle, even for a moment.
Something to Think About
I was just starting my life as a Christian. It had been about two months after my personal encounter with Jesus when I found out that one of my cousins had become a Christian just before I had. I was very happy and said, “Glory to God!” I felt that I was no longer alone in this world. The people I spoke to were distant from God, and because of my conversion, my family had turned their backs on me.
A short time after, at an end of the year family gathering, I had the pleasant surprise of seeing my cousin. I was very happy. Finally, I had found someone who had the same principles! We greeted each other and exchanged a few words, but a little while afterwards, I was perplexed as I saw someone offer him a glass of the strongest liquor and he did not reject it; I thought, “Maybe he was very thirsty.” Then they offered him another glass, and he did the same. I realized something was out of order in him. I decided to approach him. I said, “Cousin, what is this that you are doing? Aren’t you a Christian?” He responded, “I was already part of Christianity, and I came to the conclusion that you have to live your life and enjoy it, and that is what I am doing. I think before I die I will repent, but first I will enjoy myself.” I was overcome with sadness as I heard him say this and told him, “Cousin, no one knows when he will die; if you already know the truth and have experienced salvation, don’t waste it. Return to God with all of your heart, and He will forgive you.” His response was, “Relax. I know what I am doing.” He turned his back to me and left. Two months later this young man, who was about nineteen years old, drowned. God had given him one of the greatest blessings – to be able to know Him and serve Him, but just as the ten spies, he became weak in his faith and like them he fell in the wilderness.
“Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Blood that frees me from fear, negativity and complaining. I know that Your Holy Spirit rests inside me and this sets me apart from those who still do not know You. Thank You because You motivate me to conquer, and I believe that there is an entire land of promises to discover and make my own. Thank You because You have given me the blessing, and I know that I will be a blessing for others. I love You, dearest God. Amen.”
Today’s Bible Reading
- Old Testament: Nehemiah 7; Proverbs 11:16-31
- New Testament: Luke 17:11-19; 2 Timothy 2:1-13