A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos
Today’s Bible Verse
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'”
Genesis 1:26
I Have Divine Prosperity
Before creating man, God took care in creating the place that he would live. “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:2). Before God started forming the universe, everything in this world was chaotic, but He transformed it into something beautiful. The interesting thing is that the Bible says that the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the deep. This indicates to us that He can transform chaotic, adverse, and difficult situations into paradise.
The enemy sold the lie to many people that we should live in poverty, being the slaves of others. The truth is that God reserved the best blessings for His children, and He does not have second-class children. His desire is for us to always live within the blessing. However, when Adam and Eve sinned, they lost the privilege of staying in Eden, and God cursed them by allowing thorns and thistles to grow up from the ground (Genesis 3:18a). This is the life that many people live, one full of thorns and thistles. Even though they work and make an effort, their job does not produce for them. Therefore, they live in ruin and misery. Nevertheless, the crown of thorns that Jesus wore on his head, completely removed this curse from us. His Word teaches us that He made Himself poor so that we might be made rich. Prosperity isn’t just for a few people. No! God has reserved prosperity for each one of His children.
The Lord spent the first five days of creation preparing in great detail all that man would need so that he could have and enjoy every good thing. If you understand these principles, your mind will change, your faith will grow and you will prosper because this is God’s desire. Renounce unbelief and accept His blessings today. Eliminate every thought of scarcity, misery and poverty from your mind. Replace them with images of abundance and prosperity.
Something to Think About
Dr. Derek Prince made a comment on history, writing that in the time of the Roman empire, when a general won a great victory, the whole Senate would meet in order to decree a special law. In that law they would establish a day of honor for the general. He would be assigned a regal coach for the duration of that day, pulled by a white horse. The people would come out to the streets and balconies to honor the general. They would follow him in procession with great celebration. In this display, the general would parade those he had captured in chains, generals, kings, governors and princes were ordered to march behind the carriage. After all of these people came the general’s trophies. Perhaps there would be a bear, a tiger, or a lion, or some animal that the Romans had never seen before.. Following the trophies would be the people who applauded the general’s victory. Now we know that Christ has already won a great victory and stripped the principalities of their power. Our General is in the carriage. He is the General of all generals and His name is Jesus Christ. He comes in His ‘chariot’, displaying all of His triumphs. It is as Paul says, “Having cancelled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:14 -15). Our General, the Lord Jesus, has already defeated the principality that tormented you. He has removed them all from your life. He has stripped them from your life and humiliated them publicly through the power that He won on the Cross.
Beloved Jesus, I ask that You would remove the spiritual blindness that covers my understanding, and that has caused me to believe what the enemy says. Forgive me and help me to renew my mind in order to attain the blessings and prosperity that You have won for me. I declare that the blood of Jesus, poured out from the crown of thorns, frees my life from every curse of inadequacy. By the power of Jesus’ Blood, Amen.
“Now I know Jesus, I understand that God created me to live in abundance.”
Today’s Bible Reading
- Old Testament: Exodus 38-40; Psalm 37:23-40
- New Testament: Matthew 16:13-28; Acts 23:1-11