A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos
Today’s Bible Verse
“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
Genesis 2:7
A Divine Nature
Dr. Derek Prince frequently teaches (e.g. in his Bible Psychology series) that the word for breath (or wind or spirit) in Hebrew is ruah. The word ruah ends in the Hebrew letter het, which is a sustained guttural sound, (like the ending of the Scottish word loch, (e.g. Loch Ness). So the word ruah sounds like what it means – an outgoing breath that comes from the depth of God breathing into man to give him life.
Man received that breath from the same Spirit of God. Job said, “As long as I have life within me, the breath (the ruah) of God in my nostrils, my lips will not speak wickedness, and my tongue will utter no deceit” (Job 27:3-4).
What makes us different from other creatures is the breath of God. You are an intelligent being and different from other people, made in the image of Jesus Christ because of the breath of God in you. The person who does not have the ruah of God cannot live the Christian life because they are not the same as those who have Jesus in their heart. Those who do not know God may become prosperous in this world, but their riches will not last, because they will spend eternity separated from Him. We have to remember that the word, “death,” means “separation.” Those who live separated from God, will suffer torment for an eternity, separated from Him in death.
When God created us, He blew His ruah into us, that is His breath. Because of man’s sin, the ruah of God left. However, when man is reconciled to Christ, the ruah returns. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus breathed over His disciples and established the ruah in His Twelve by saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). In that moment the ruah of God returned to us. Today, it is important to understand that in order to have prosperity throughout your life with God, you must have this same breath in you, that is the Spirit of God.
Something to Think About
God was so generous towards man, that even in creation; he prepared provision for the coming generations. This was done in such a way that the Earth has enough natural resources for each person to live as royalty. Are there sins or wrong attitudes that make you feel like His breath is not in you? You must renounce everything that distances you from your Creator, because Christ Jesus dwells in your life.
Heavenly Father, I come before You to ask You to renew the power of Your strength within me. I am tired of trying to live life in my own strength. Please help me to walk in the power of Your wonderful breath. Your breath is vital for the success of my life with You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
“The Spirit of the Lord lives within me because I have received His Breath of Life.”
Today’s Bible Reading
- Old Testament: Leviticus 1-4; Psalm 38
- New Testament: Matthew 17:1-13; Acts 23:12-35