But the others said, “We can’t attack those people; they’re way stronger than we are.” They spread scary rumors among the People of Israel. They said, “We scouted out the land from one end to the other—it’s a land that swallows people whole. Everybody we saw was huge. Why, we even saw the Nephilim giants (the Anak giants come from the Nephilim). Alongside them we felt like grasshoppers. And they looked down on us as if we were grasshoppers.”

Numbers 13:31-33 (TMB)

Israel had been set up for victory. They had been delivered from Egypt, provided for abundantly, and led through a wilderness supernaturally. And now they stood on the edge of their land of promise. As they prepared for the greatest day of their lives, a small group of men returned with a negative report, “Everybody we saw was huge. We felt like grasshoppers.” Taking that fear-filled statement to heart, they ended up spending the next forty years wandering in the desert. They were destined for the ultimate life, but were captured by a meaningless mentality. What a waste./p>

[Today’s reading was taken from our devotional, Change Your Story. Purchase a Copy]

Daily Bible Reading (Two reading plans are provided below. The “Entire Bible” plan will take you through the entire Bible this year. The “New Testament” plan will take you through just the New Testament this year.)

  • Entire Bible: Revelation 3-4; Isaiah 57
  • New Testament: Revelation 13
