That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; […]

Colossians 1:10 (NKJV)

God wants you to be fruitful in every good work! He wants to bless the work of your hands and multiply the fruit of your labor. He wants you to increase financially and promote you in all of your endeavors. Submit yourself to His wisdom and work on your integrity. God has the ability to open doors that no man can open for you. Learn from Him today and apply His Word in your life. Promotion comes from the Lord!

[Today’s reading was taken from our devotional, Change Your Story. Purchase a Copy]

Daily Bible Reading (Two reading plans are provided below. The “Entire Bible” plan will take you through the entire Bible this year. The “New Testament” plan will take you through just the New Testament this year.)

  • Entire Bible: Contemplation (Use today to catch up on previous chapters, or to read a favorite passage over again.)
  • New Testament: Contemplation (Use today to catch up on previous chapters, or to read a favorite passage over again.)