Today’s Bible Verse

“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14 (NKJV)

Do Not Remain Silent

There are so many voices that are being widely spread all throughout the world today. We are presented with daily breaking news from every major news outlet and social media across different platforms. The Bible tells us that words are very powerful. It creates images in the mind and belief in the heart. It can either produce fear or faith in people. It can either impart life or death regarding any given situation (Proverbs 18:21). We must continue to speak the language of faith in order to see the manifestation of God’s power. When you make a deliberate effort to fill your heart with God’s promises, you will begin to speak the Word of God with faith to change the world around you. It’s out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). Be careful to not allow your heart to be tainted with the doubt and unbelief of this world. Choose rather to saturate you mind and heart with God’s promises.

What the world needs today is to hear God’s voice. They need to hear the Good News of the Gospel! The channel by which the Lord has chosen to broadcast His message of hope to a people who have been weighed down by the spirit of fear is His children who call upon His name. You are an extension of God’s hand and feet everywhere that you go. You are His mouthpiece to a lost and confused generation. The Lord has commissioned you to be a voice to your sphere of influence. During difficult and challenging times, we must arise boldly in the name of the Lord and speak that which He has placed in our hearts to speak. Do not remain silent, be the voice of hope that the world needs around you. Pray for your neighbor, encourage a co-worker, comfort those who are facing difficult storms in life. You are God’s messenger and have been empowered to be light in the midst of darkness. Point everyone you come in contact with to Jesus. This season has brought a heightened spiritual awareness in the hearts of men. They are ripe for harvest and open to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today we have a choice to be like Esther. A simple act of obedience prevented an annihilation of an entire nation. Her step of faith brought about God’s divine intervention. We too can make a difference in our world today with God’s help.

Something to Think About

Can you list names of people that are weighed down by fear, worry or anxiety? Begin to pray for them and ask the Lord to grant you boldness to share your testimony with them regarding God’s faithfulness. Your obedience can make all the difference in their lives during their desperate time of need. (Pastor Wally Matanza, Word of Life Yokohama)

Today’s Declaration

I choose not to remain silent. I have been called for such a time as this. As I begin to share the Good News of the Gospel with others, God confirms His Word with signs following.

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Ezekiel 42-44; Job 15:17-35
  • New Testament: John 11:45-57; 1 John 4:1-6