Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

James 4:7 (NKJV)

Everything that happens in life isn’t a result of God’s will. In fact, there are some things that happen in our lives that we need to resist. God has given us an uncommon authority to put the devil in his place. As long as we tolerate his presence in our lives, he’ll continue his work of stealing, killing and destroying. However, if you will submit to God and resist the devil, he’ll run from you instead of putting you on the run.

[Today’s reading was taken from our devotional, Change Your Story. Purchase a Copy]

Daily Bible Reading (Two reading plans are provided below. The “Entire Bible” plan will take you through the entire Bible this year. The “New Testament” plan will take you through just the New Testament this year.)

  • Entire Bible: The Book of 2 Timothy; Proverbs 25:15-28
  • New Testament: Contemplation (Use today to catch up on previous chapters, or to read a favorite passage over again.)