Today’s Bible Verse

I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.] …

Philippians 4:13-14 (AMP)

Equal to Anything

As a teen and young adult, I was preoccupied with leisure as a recreational surfer, hiker, and runner.  So, when the Holy Spirit refocused me into academia, it was an unlikely path.  It was an intimidating path.        

On most school days I felt vulnerable, treading water, in the deep, in the mystery … but in books instead of the ocean or the mountains.  I transitioned from dealing with the immediacy of an increased heart rate and split-second choices to grappling with intangibles: theory, concepts, the extent of human thought and wonder, mostly useless stuff.  

But, the useful part in all of it was the transferable part, the faith part.  

Yet, faith is a strength I had to activate with a yes, a willingness to walk God’s path, even when it didn’t make sense, even when it scared me.  Because sometimes God asks us to do things we aren’t good at to teach us the invaluable lesson: We are “ready for anything and equal to anything through Him.”

The strength of faith is not an issue of ability.  It is a matter of willingness and courage to say, yes, when we recognize God’s leading, even into the unfamiliar.  

I discovered that if I could paddle into a set wave and not drown, I could certainly do academic research and survive.  God certainly wouldn’t leave me in my willing and obedient moments if He was with me every other time.  

I’ve conquered multiple years of formal learning beyond high school.  Yet, the most enduring lesson I’ve learned and continue to learn is that I am and will always be sufficient in His sufficiency, ready for any challenge because Jesus in me is never intimidated.  (Lacey Vasquez)

Change My Story

The impetus for our greatest expression of strength is in doing what He has called us to do.  As family at Word of Life, that call involves following Jesus and fulfilling the Great Commission, winning souls and making disciples.  The call may also involve furthering our formal education, starting a family, or accomplishing something expressly unique.  

Whatever it is.  Fear not, you are strengthened and empowered to meet that challenge.

Let’s align ourselves with this truth, making the following declaration:

Today’s Declaration

I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency and am ready for anything and equal to anything through Jesus who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace!  I refuse to fear or be intimidated by anything.  In Jesus’ name, amen.  

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Hosea 9-12; Job 27
  • New Testament: John 15:1-8; Revelation 2:18-29