
“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.”

Romans 4:20

There are moments that come when our faith is tested. It is when we have a choice either to look at the circumstances or to fix our eyes on the Lord. A man almost one hundred years of age and his wife of ninety years of age, rested solely on the promise that God had given them of having a child. They both made the decision to declare with conviction what they had been promised. Sara always called her husband, “Father of Multitudes,” and Abraham would call Sara, “Princess”, because that is what their names meant. With this attitude they decided to fix their eyes on the promise, without paying attention to what the people in the neighborhood were saying about them. It was not easy for them to reach that level of faith! Twenty-four years passed by, since God first gave them the promise of a child. They thought at first that the promise would be fulfilled through Abraham and one of Sarah’s servants. However, this situation with Hagar became one of the biggest mistakes in their lives. In spite of this, the substance of faith came and they believed God. They spoke out their belief with all their strength of soul and a few months later, Sara held in her arms the son God had promised them.

The way that Abraham overcame doubt was by feeding his life of faith. In that time they did not have the Bible. The only thing that sustained them during those years was the words the Lord had given them on the day of their calling. Abraham understood that the Word of God is eternal. When the Lord gives a promise, He does not change His mind or go back on what He said. Once the Word has gone forth, from His mouth, it must accomplish everything it sets out to do, regardless of circumstance. Confessing the promise continually gave him inner strength that helped him overcome any doubt or fear. Also, he did not stop worshiping God and glorifying Him for the blessing of the son that he would have in the future.

“In the year 2005 I was pregnant with my second daughter Natalia,” Alexandra Ramos, a part of the team of leaders in the church in Miami, began. “When I went for the three month checkup, the doctor detected something wrong with my baby. The baby’s head was enlarged, and much bigger in size than normal. In that moment I experienced one of my greatest inner battles of faith. I found myself with two options; to believe in the promises of God, or to accept the inevitability of the doctors’ statement. Namely, that my daughter would be born with Down’s Syndrome. When I received the news, the only thing I could do was to cling to God with everything I had. I started to attend every church service I could, as well as my cell group, and the times of intercession. At seven months, they admitted me to hospital to do an amniocentesis, which is a sampling and testing of the amniotic fluid around the baby. (Through this procedure they can assess whether an unborn baby could develop, or has developed, an abnormality or serious health condition.) I remember asking the doctor to do another ultrasound too, because I knew that my daughter was healed. When she examined me, she called the nurse and told her that there must be some mistake or error because my baby was completely normal! It was in that moment that my husband surrendered his life completely to God, and through that miracle we entered another level of faith. God is faithful and He always fulfills all His promises.”

“I strengthened my faith in the Biblical promise, I worshiped God with all of my strength and the miracle occurred.”

Today’s post is an excerpt from Pastor Cesar Castellanos’ book, Declarations of Power for 365 Days of the Year: Volume Two.

Our Bible Reading Plan gives 25 daily readings per month. There is no scheduled reading for today. You can use this time to catch up on any readings you may have missed, or read through previous passages again.