This Week’s Memory Verse
Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded Him.
Genesis 6:22 (NLT)
First to Obey God
Hey Kids!
Do you remember Noah and the Ark from the Bible? You know he’s the superhero that built a huge boat that was larger than a football field! Did you ever wonder how Noah knew how to build this gigantic boat to hold all the animals and his family? Did he go to a boat-building school? No way! How did he know how to care for the lions, tigers, bears, and monkeys? Was he an animal doctor? Nope! God told him everything he needed to do.
Every instruction and detail that God told Noah to do, he listened and obeyed. Yeah, and he didn’t just obey, he obeyed right away. He did not question God and complain, “Why do you want me to build this boat when I see no rain coming?”
What if Noah did not do what God told him to do? Or what if Noah built the ark his way because he thought he was smarter than God? The ark would have sunk, right? And he wouldn’t have been able to fit all the animals in the ark! Or what if he didn’t obey right away? Yikes, the ark would not be ready before the floods came! And his family and all the living creatures would not have lived!
He was probably teased and laughed at and thought to be cray cray because no one could see any rain or dark clouds! But what did Noah do? He did not let other people stop him from obeying God. Even though he too did not see the rain and the dark clouds, Noah still believed in God and obeyed Him.
Did you ever question your parents when they told you to do something a certain way and you thought you knew a better way? Maybe you didn’t understand the reason you had to do it that way. So, you didn’t obey your parents and you chose to do it your way. Did you know this is still not obeying? When you don’t obey, you are against God and His right ways. You are fighting with God!
God loves us so much that he wants to keep us protected and give us His blessings. So, when He tells us in the Bible to obey our parents and our Godly leaders, to not lie, steal, cheat, swear, gossip, or even look at bad things on the internet or tv, it is all for our protection and uku billion blessings to come our way. Yes, the Bible says if you are willing and obedient you will have lots of blessings. And guess what? If you disobey you will stop the blessing to come your way and who wants that? Not me!
Kids, let’s choose and pledge today, to be the first to obey like Noah did in everything and exactly as God commanded him, and let’s obey right away, okay?
Let’s pray: Father God, forgive me for not obeying You, my parents, and my godly leaders. Give me a new heart and a right spirit within me. Thank You for forgiving me. Help me to obey You and Your Word.
This Week’s Pledge of Honor
I choose to obey God’s Word, my parents, and my godly leaders right away. When I obey, a powerful shield of protection and blessing surrounds me and my family.
This Week’s Bible Reading
1 Samuel 15:22 (CEV)
Children, obey your parents the way the Lord wants. This is the right thing to do. The command says, “Honor your father and mother.” This is the first command that has a promise with it. The promise is: “Then everything will be well with you, and you will have a long life on the earth.”
Deuteronomy 28:2 (NLT)
Obey the Lord your God. Then all these blessings will come and stay with you:
Deuteronomy 30:20 (ICB)
Love the Lord your God. Obey him. Stay close to him. He is your life. And he will let you live many years in the land.