A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos

Today’s Bible Verse

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

2 Corinthians 3:18

Have a Correct Identity

One of the greatest motivational speakers of the last century was a man called Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. He once shared his testimony about his student years. During this period of his life, he found an increasingly overwhelming pressure of fear grip him. That timidity became a huge obstacle for him, because it prevented him from speaking in public and would cause him great stress every time he had to.

On one occasion, at the University, a professor asked him to present a topic that he knew well and excelled in. When he stood before the class, his mind completely froze and he began to stutter. His speech was incoherent, and he eventually became completely paralyzed by fear. He stepped off the podium extremely embarrassed and sat down feeling totally humiliated. The professor came over to him, looked at the young man and said, “Norman, when class is over I would like to speak with you.” After the class was finished, the professor asked him, “What happened to you? I know that you are an excellent student and that you are very intelligent, but every time you stand in front of the class, you freeze up, then collapse in a chair with your face burning with shame.” Norman answered, “I think I have a spirit of inferiority.”

Encouraging him, the professor added, “Norman, I want you to know that I went through exactly the same thing, at one point in my life.” “You went through the same thing I have been experiencing? What do I need to do to get free of this fear? I don’t want to be like this anymore, I want to change.” The professor answered him, “I understand how you feel. Let me tell you what helped me move forward. Trust in God, pray to God, believe in God, and He will do the work.”

After listening to what the professor said, he left the classroom, paused as he was going downstairs and prayed, “Lord, You can make a drunk man sober, and transform a thief into an honorable person. Can you take this confused man and make him a normal person? Please Lord, help me, Amen.”

This simple prayer made all the difference in the life of Norman Vincent Peale. From that moment and on, everything in his life began to change. He was transformed from that scared young student, into a leading motivational speaker and a great international author of dozens of books that helped and guided thousands of people all over the world. It only happened, when he made a decision to trust in God.

Something to Think About

When David fled to the Cave of Adullam, those who followed him were men with bitter spirits. However, when David led them, he called them “courageous.” Many people arriving at the Lord’s feet are in debt, distressed, and bitter. Like David’s words spoken over those men, the Blood of Jesus begins to change the image they had of themselves. Through His blood at work in their lives, they become leaders; people who yearn to work tirelessly in the ministry. See yourself today, with the same eyes that God sees you; a brave person, full of courage.


“Dear God, You know the insecurities that I have in my soul that limit the talents and gifts that you have given me. I ask that Jesus’ DNA would absorb all inferiority I feel in my life today. Just as Jesus never doubted His origin or His purpose, I stand firm in Your purpose for my life. I blessed Your name, Amen.”


“I am the result of God’s design and purpose for my life.”

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: 1 Samuel 15-16; Psalm 101
  • New Testament: Mark 11:27-33; 2 Corinthians 6