A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos

Today’s Bible Verse

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”

John 1:1-3

Jesus is the Word in Action

Jesus is the incarnate Word of God who became flesh. He has always existed and always will. We know that in Jesus dwells all the fullness of God. This is why when He declared the Word, He overcame evil powers, calmed the winds and the seas, expelled demons, healed the sick, delivered those who were oppressed by the devil, and raised the dead.

Jesus has the full power of the Holy Spirit in Him. Even when the enemy craftily tried to distract Him from His divine purpose, He was able to confess the Word of God, weakening and nullifying all the power of the enemy. Jesus had to face the enemy, not as God but in His condition as a human. He had to do it this way because when He came to this world, He laid aside His deity. Although the Father was at His side, Jesus had to fight His own battle.

Legions of angels were at His disposal, waiting for the order to overcome the power of darkness. However, Jesus chose not to fall back on them, because in overcoming the enemy with the Word of God, He was leaving us a great example to show how we too can overcome in His name. It is more than enough to release the Word of authority so that God can act on it. Every time we confess His Word with faith and authority, His heavenly army of angels begins to fight in our favor.

Something to Think About

During a period of time when China was a great Empire, a person who was condemned to death was allowed to purchase a substitute or replacement to die on their behalf. Usually, it was a poor person who, by offering his life, tried to free his family from poverty. The case was then sent to the emperor for his signature and then the judge made a ruling on that case. When the prisoner was taken to the place of execution, the judge proceeded to read the sentence and then called the executioner to carry out the sentence. At that moment, the substitute knelt, bowed his head and with one stroke of the sword, the law was satisfied. The judge then declared the actual criminal free, after which he would change his name. For the rest of life he was known by the name of the substitute.


“Dear Lord, thank You for taking my place and for paying my debt. One day I was lost but now I am found, I was dead but now I am alive, I was without a family but now I have been adopted into Your family. I am now part of the family of God. You gave me Your Spirit and put Your words on my lips that I may declare Your eternal truth. Thank you Lord. Amen.”


“I am a reproducer of life because of the words that come from my lips.”

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Judges 8; Psalm 85
  • New Testament: Mark 6:14-29; 1 Corinthians 10:14-33