Today’s Memory Verse

For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:16 (AMP)

Jesus, the Most Powerful Hero

Hey Kids!

Can you guess who is the hero of all heroes, the most powerful hero in all the universe?  If you guessed Jesus, you are right!!  Jesus is the Son of God and nothing is impossible for Him.  When He was on the earth, He did some amazing miracles. He healed the blind and made them see; He healed the person who couldn’t walk and made him walk; He even raised the dead back to life.  So incredible, right!!!  

His greatest superpower is His love. Because of His immense love for us, He died on the Cross to forgive us of our sins and to give us eternal life.  Did you know that only those who sin are given the consequence of death on a cross?  But Jesus had no sin. He took your place and my place and everyone’s place on the Cross.  But He rose from the dead and is alive today!!!

The Bible says, “For the greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all. And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacrifices his life for his friends” (John 15:13 TPT).

So, always remember that Jesus loves you even if He can see all the mistakes you make. His love will never fade. It will never ever change and nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus!  His greatest superpower is His Love for YOU!

Let’s pray this prayer:  Father, in the Name of Jesus I come to You.  Thank You for Your love for me.  I ask You to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior.  I ask You to forgive me of my sins, my mistakes, and my wrongdoing.  Thank You for forgiving me and accepting me as Your child and giving me eternal life. 

Pledge of Honor

I am a child of God. I belong to Jesus. He is my Lord and Savior, whose love for me is gigantic!

Today’s Bible Reading

Matthew 28:1-10

The day after the Sabbath day was the first day of the week. At dawn on the first day, Mary Magdalene and another woman named Mary went to look at the tomb.

At that time there was a strong earthquake. An angel of the Lord came down from heaven. The angel went to the tomb and rolled the stone away from the entrance. Then he sat on the stone. He was shining as bright as lightning. His clothes were white as snow. The soldiers guarding the tomb were very frightened of the angel. They shook with fear and then became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus, the one who was killed on the cross. But he is not here. He has risen from death as he said he would. Come and see the place where his body was. And go quickly and tell his followers. Say to them: ‘Jesus has risen from death. He is going into Galilee. He will be there before you. You will see him there.’” Then the angel said, “Now I have told you.”

The women left the tomb quickly. They were afraid, but they were also very happy. They ran to tell Jesus’ followers what had happened. Suddenly, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings.” The women came up to Jesus, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go on to Galilee. They will see me there.”