Today’s Bible Verse

“By faith Abraham, when he was called [by God], obeyed by going to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went, not knowing where he was going By faith he lived as a foreigner in the promised land, as in a strange land, living in tents [as nomads] with Isaac and Jacob, who were fellow heirs of the same promise. For he was [waiting expectantly and confidently] looking forward to the city which has foundations, [an eternal, heavenly city] whose architect and builder is God.”

Hebrews 11:8-12 (AMP)

Just Go Forth Anyway

When we lean on God as Abraham did, with our entire human personality, we realize His power, wisdom, and goodness cannot go wrong. Even before the foundations of the earth, God knew us. He continues to have thoughts that are nothing like our thoughts. His ways are above ours, too. Situations change, but not our God. He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. God takes the time to place His thoughts and ways—His will—on our hearts. Then, He helps us to release our faith.  At times, it is as if God is assessing if we are allowing Him to be involved as Lord in every area of our lives. This is because He cannot deny Himself as our loving Father, who genuinely cares for our welfare and destiny.

Something to Think About

A disciple, let’s just refer to her as Sue, was asked by her life group leader to lead a few minutes of their network’s morning prayer.  The leader’s decision was made after knowing this disciple had months of experiencing prayer led by others and years of attending church services, thus having had “drunk” from that cup of prayer. The leader believed that this disciple had the capacity to step out in faith.  After a time of wrestling with God, Sue knew that she needed to enter “that city” and leave behind what she was trying to build on her own strength. Sue testified to her sisters that are in her network of disciples: 

I have many praise reports to share. It all started with prayer. A few weeks ago, when our leader texted me to start taking a part to lead during our prayer time, I didn’t respond because fear and my flesh was fighting with my spirit. I truly was leaning on my flesh. Couple of days later, my leader called me and encouraged me to simply surrender and allow God to help me to be willing and obedient. If I yielded my will, everything that I had need of would be met by God as this would be a sure sign of me putting God first.” (Sue had been laid off for over 6 months, and thus has been persevering in finding new employment). 

Sue continued: “From that moment, I knew what the Holy Spirit was asking of me. By the end of our phone call, I yielded to God, through my leader’s sensitivity and exhortation. Right then and there, I felt a shift in my being. I experienced that a change had happened. The burden, especially of fear, was removed and better yet, my prayer life escalated. When I led prayer, the Holy Spirit took over and prayed through me. It was as if I was on cloud nine! It was such a joyful and powerful experience. I was able to witness the Holy Spirit’s partnership with me, praying through me, and bringing His Word out of the abundance of my heart. Honestly, I can’t explain how very grateful I am for God helping me to simply be accountable. I am saying this to all of you ladies, that you all come to morning prayer knowing that your prayer life too will never be the same. There is always time for God.” 

Sue’s testimony gets even better. Shortly after Sue began taking that active role to lead prayer, she ran into a classmate from school at the supermarket that she had not seen in years. Sue further testified: “My good friend shared what was happening in her life. I listened but couldn’t help but testify about all the amazing things that God was doing in my life. Because prayer was at the top of my priorities, I was soaring like an eagle. God had to contain me. By the time we departed from each other, I invited my classmate to my life group, and she reported that she would also bring a mutual friend of ours.”

Talk about eating the goods of the land in our obedience. That same day, while leaving the market, Sue reported that she ran into another friend, who through the conversation, mentioned a job opening in the department that she works for with the state. This person just so happened to be a supervisor over that department. Sue was encouraged by this administrator to follow up and to go and seek out this specific person in the office to initiate paperwork. When this person’s name was mentioned, Sue said she laughed because she also knew of this person. Though everything is still processing, we all know, with our God nothing is impossible. His Kingdom shall come, and His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Sue then concluded: “A few days ago, my brother was rushed to the emergency room via the ambulance. After going through a bunch of admission tests, an X-ray indicated that there was a tear in his heart. (Hmm, a “tear” in his heart?) Well, a few days thereafter, my brother had a follow up X-ray, and the doctors were perplexed because they no longer could find that tear. (Hallelujah!) He was then discharged from the hospital, and on his way home, he came directly to see me. My brother shared that he knew the outcome was because “my” prayers that he and I had prayed together on his way to the ER. I informed my brother that I had summoned my network of prayer warriors immediately after he and I prayed. (Not to mention all the other intercessors in our church). It was everyone’s prayers of faith that brought him his victory. My brother experienced the love of God. He needs to get saved. You know, I have waited for this moment. This is the best thing that can happen for my family. My brother will get born-again very soon.” 

Sue relayed to her leader that it was in that moment of humbling herself to surrender her will and plans that all these exciting doors of opportunity have seemed to finally open. It is worth it to surrender and release our faith, “Going Forth Anyway!” (Pastor Darlene Tsuha)

Today’s Declaration

God Almighty, I am not afraid. You are my shield and my exceeding great reward. I go forth anyway, knowing that I never face any situation alone. I wait expectantly and confidently looking forward to the city which has foundations, [an eternal, heavenly city] whose architect and builder is God. You are all knowing, All Sufficient, All in with me and for me. I get to go from faith to faith, strength to strength, and glory to glory with You. You shall continue to help me to keep my eyes fixed on You. To remember that everything and all situations that I am afforded to experience are temporal and subject to change. What matters most is that I realize in my willingness to obey you, I find my purpose and my strength through You. Lord, even more importantly in prayer, talking with You, and at times releasing the authority You gave to me, I find You. I want to be that sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true for You. Mount me up with wings of eagles as You perform miracles, signs, and wonders beyond what I can ever ask, think, or imagine by Your mercy and grace. Yes, my Lord, I’ll go forth—anyway.

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Joel 2-3; Job 30
  • New Testament: John 16:1-11; Revelation 4