“Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. [Ps. 55:22.]”

1 Peter 5:7 (AMPC)

The Lord wants us to always give Him anything and everything that would in any way burden us or cause us to be anxious, worried or afraid. We must decide today and every day to aggressively give to God anything that tries to make us think that “this situation” is just too big for God! The truth is: nothing is too big or impossible for our God, and “with God, nothing is impossible!” (Luke 1:37).

God doesn’t ask us to deny the natural circumstances that we are facing. However, He does give us direction when anything fearful or overwhelming happens physically, financially, relationally or in any area of our lives. The Lord says, “Let go and aggressively give to Me anything that is trying to overtake you – once and for all!” He’s directing us to not hold on to any burden – ever! He’s instructing us to give Him that hardship – totally! He’s telling us to release into His hands that trial or weight that we are facing because of a “natural” circumstance. He’s assuring us that we don’t have to figure everything out on our own! He wants us to let go of the cares, the stress, the tension and the strain of whatever we may be contending with – completely! He said, “the whole of your care once and for all!” That means He wants us to give it to Him and LET IT ALL GO! HE wants to carry it all and TAKE IT ALL!

He cares for us! He loves us! He undergirds us with His goodness, His mercy, His grace, His provision, His strength, His healing and His delivering power! He is still our Miracle Worker and that One who fulfills His promises to us! He is our faithful God who will not leave us or forsake us!

His eyes are on us to help us through every situation of our lives! So, let’s “LET GO AND LET GOD!” He is able and willing to carry our lives and everything that concerns us!

I have always loved how the Lord instructed me to give everything to Him – once and for all – and He will take it and carry it all! I love and appreciate that He asked me to give everything to Him because “He cares for me affectionately,” He loves me where I’m at through everything, and He “cares for me watchfully.” He always sees me through every situation of my life!

I have endeavored to aggressively give everything to Jesus and to not carry anything on my own. I’ve endeavored to let Him – His Word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit – be Who I’m leaning on and placing my expectation in. With my mind, my will, my emotions, and with every situation and relationship, I have deliberately given myself and everything to Jesus. I have had to be very intentional to not carry things or try to figure things out on my own. Instead, I have learned to trust Him and to give my life, my marriage, my children, my family, my friends, and everyone who is connected with me and everything that concerns me TO HIM! I have learned to lean on the truth that He will always care for me, watch over me and handle everything I give to Him!

Whenever I let go of the cares, He powerfully receives them all and cares for me with His breakthrough power! Jesus is always my good and faithful God! (Pastor Kuna Sepulveda)

“I deliberately give everything to You, Lord, especially every situation that tries to cause me to be worried, anxious, oppressed, strained, stressed or fearful! I do not carry anything that tries to weigh me down! I aggressively give You everything! I know that You care for me and watch over me with Your unfailing and unconditional love. You are my faithful God, and in You I always place my trust!”

Our Bible Reading Plan gives 25 daily readings per month. There is no scheduled reading for today. You can use this time to catch up on any readings you may have missed, or read through previous passages again.