A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos

Today’s Bible Verse

Buy the truth, and do not sell it.

Proverbs 23:23

Make the Best Deal of Your Life

Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18:38), but he did not wait for an answer. He may have asked as a mere formality. The Lord had already given the answer to His disciples when Thomas said, “‘Lord, we don’t know where You are going; so how can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me” (John 14:5-6). Jesus was telling him that anyone who was lost in the world and does not know where to go, should believe in Him who is the way. Anyone who is confused, by his own religion or by the philosophies of this world, should believe that Jesus is the truth. Anyone who feels that life has no meaning needs to believe that Jesus is the life. God’s truth needs to be seen for what it is – a person, the Lord Jesus.

The author of Hebrews said, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe” (Hebrews 1:1-2). Every word that Jesus said was charged with power and authority. The skeptics and adversaries kept quiet and even nature submitted to Him.

The whole of Jesus’ life was a message. From the Gospels, we learn how he lived out His life, how His teachings were put into practice, how He dealt with the people. Because of that, the true believer must become familiar with the life of the Lord Jesus Christ as described in the four Gospels. His life is so rich and full of lessons for us. The Apostle John said that if the things that Jesus did were written down, there would be no room for them in all the books in the world. But the Lord allowed the Evangelists to record the most important things of His life. Only the most outstanding things were written so that the people can feed on these words and grow in the grace of God.

The price Jesus had to pay for our redemption was very high. We know that though salvation is a free gift, we still have a price to pay. We must give up all that we were once involved in outside of Christ, in order for the truth to be ours. Jesus compared it to a merchant that went seeking for fine pearls, and when he found the most precious pearl of all he sold all that he had in order to buy that one pearl (Matthew 13:45-46). This pearl represents the truth that the merchant was looking for, and the cost was to put aside all he had in order to get the pearl of greatest value. If we know that Jesus is the truth, we need to be willing to give our all in order to grow in Him.

For me, Jesus is the truth. When I began to know Him, I didn’t know Him as a religion or a philosophy, but as a person. Jesus revealed Himself as the true God and as a real man. The way that I began to know Him was through the Bible, which is the unbreakable Word of God. I believe that what the Bible says is true. I know that what Jesus did, said, and taught is true. I cannot conceive of any other truth apart from Jesus and the Bible. The writer of Hebrews said, “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away” (Hebrews 2:1). Part of our careful attention is in seeking the things that give the knowledge of the truth. This means we need to invest in books, seminaries, conventions, and university training in order for the truth of Christ to abound in our hearts.

Something to Think About

Sometimes God tests us with things that seem small, but in the moment of the trial are very valuable. Once, a friend gave me one of my favorite watches. This friend of mine was an older man and his son was a rebellious type who often stole things from home to pay for his vices. My friend said to me, “I don’t want my son to steal this watch; it was very expensive, and is worth more than $25,000.” When I confirmed what this man told me, I fell in love with it even more! Some time later, during a worship meeting, God spoke to my heart and told me, “Of all the personal things that you have, what is it that you love the most?” I answered Him, “The ministry.” “If I were to ask you for your ministry, would you give it to Me?” “Of course, Lord.” I answered. “Anything You ask of me is Yours. Everything is yours, Father.” Then He asked me another question, “Of all the personal things that you have, what is it that you love the most?” I understood where the Lord was taking me, and I said, “My watch.” Then, the Lord told me, “If I were to ask you for your watch, would you give it to me?” “Of course, Lord.” The next day, we were again in a worship meeting. The glory of God had descended and all of a sudden I heard a voice telling me, “Son, I want your watch.” I was so surprised by these words that I thought it was the enemy bringing a distraction to my mind. But then, I understood that it was the Lord who was speaking. God told me to whom I should give the watch. A few months later, I bought a new watch, one with base made only of stainless steel. The following day, when I was wearing it for the first time, the assassination attempt happened. I was shot five times. The bullet that was headed towards my heart hit the watch and the solid, steel base deflected it. I had offered up to the Lord a watch and He had used a watch to save my life.


Heavenly Father, thank You for leading me to know the truth that is in Your Son, Jesus. He is Your word that became flesh so that I can receive eternal redemption. I know that the price I paid to get it was to surrender all that I am at the feet of Jesus. I know that in accepting Him I was able to find the “Pearl of Great Price”. There is no offering that I could give to make up for what You did for me. Therefore, I have yielded my life at Your altar. I acknowledge that the death of Jesus is my death and that His life brings a new birth and a genuine relationship with You through His resurrection. I love You, Lord Jesus, Amen.


I gave all that I had in order to gain the Pearl of Great Price, which is the divine truth revealed in Jesus.

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Zephaniah 1-2; Job 38:1-21
  • New Testament: John 19:38-42; Revelation 16