A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos

Today’s Bible Verse

“You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth.”

Proverbs 6:2

Protecting Our Words

Every word that comes out of our mouths releases spiritual power. It is like the gunshot that signals the start of a race. There are two types of athletes that take part in competitions; those who believe they can win, and those who think they might not. If your words line up with the Word of God and they are loaded with faith, they will release the power of God’s angels, whose desire is to reach you and bless you. However, if your words are negative and full of the burden of the circumstances that you are in, they will release the demonic powers that will follow you until you are captured. “If we speak the things of angels, the angels will come. But if we speak the things of the devil, the devil will come” (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Through the prophet Isaiah, God said, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). Through the writer of Proverbs, God declared, “Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings” (Proverbs 1:2a). I believe that one of the greatest blessings that we have as Christians is the power to understand the words of God. However, we can only understand them by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is important to point out the first part of this verse because the Lord Himself says, “Repent at my rebuke!” (Proverbs 1:23a). When we do not want to submit to God’s divine direction, He does not invest time in us, and He allows us to continue on with the desires of our own hearts. However, if we voluntarily determine to understand and accept what He wants to teach us in times of discipline and by overcoming trials, God will give us His Holy Spirit who will reveal His plans for our lives through His Word.

Something to Think About

I once asked a Pastor called Abelardo, “What is the most amazing thing that God has ministered to your life?” He replied, “After knowing the Lord Jesus as my Savior, to experience God’s fatherhood was the most amazing thing for me. Even though I was a born again Christian and living in a good, loving environment, I still felt a big emptiness in my life and could not understand why. Despite growing in leadership and becoming a Pastor, I was acutely aware of this gap in my life, especially when I had to face an emotional situation that required me to show or experience love and affection. I was never able to speak of God as my dad. I thought I knew Him, but to be honest, God was someone so distant to me. Since I had never had a natural father, my relationship with God was affected. However, one day, Pastor, when you had all the leaders with you for a meeting, you began to minister prophetically to each person in turn. The presence of God came into that place in a very special way. I remember coming under a great sense of affliction, believing that the best thing to do was to give up on everything. If God had not spoken to me that day, I would have thought that He did not want me in the ministry. Finally, Pastor, you came to pray for me. I remember the first thing I could hear were the words, “So says the Spirit to My son. Hear how I call you, ‘son’, because I want you to know that I AM your Father.” When I heard this, I began to cry and fell on the floor for over an hour. I stayed there, crying while receiving the divine fatherhood that came to me from my dad, God. My life was changed in that meeting, and from that time God continued to work on my heart. I knew this was the first step that the Lord was using to prepared me for a future of blessings in my relationships.” (Abelardo Rojas)


“Dear Lord, on this day I open my heart to receive the revelation of Your fatherhood, as I am eager to hear Your voice calling me, son, daughter. I pray for your Spirit’s help to live saturated in Your living Word, because then my words will be charged with the power of faith and deliverance. Thank You, Father, because it is through this revelation that Your blessing, Your peace and Your prosperity will come to my family. Amen.”


“I believe in the Word of God and all the promises contained within it, which are becoming a reality to me.”

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Joshua 18-19; Psalms 78:40-72
  • New Testament: Mark 3:1-19; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20