Today’s Bible Verse

Abraham had been promised that Isaac, his only son, would continue his family.  But when Abraham was tested, he had faith and was willing to sacrifice Isaac, because he was sure that God could raise people to life. This was just like getting Isaac back from death.

Hebrews 11:17-19 (CEV)

Putting Promises on His Altar

When I read that Abraham was willing to offer his son Isaac to the Lord, I thought that must be one of the most illogical, unbelievable, and UNCOMMON acts in the Bible!  Isaac was the promised son to Abraham that he did not ask for or plan for.  God told Abraham that the son He promised him would be born through his wife Sarah (Genesis 17:19).  Isaac was born (Genesis 21:1-3), but a few years later God told Abraham to take his son Isaac, whom God promised, and kill him as an offering to the Lord (Genesis 22:1-2).  Just as Abraham was about to be obedient up until the point of death, God provided a ram as a sacrifice instead of Abraham’s son, Isaac (Genesis 22:10-13).

For years I did not understand and wondered, “How could Abraham seemingly so easily be willing to sacrifice his only son?”  It wasn’t until I got the revelation of Hebrews 11:17-19 that I fully understood Genesis 22.  The same faith in God that Abraham used to obtain the Promise of God (Isaac) in his life, was the same faith in God he needed to retain the Promise of God in his life.  

Abraham could have said, “No God, I am not going to do that.  I am not going to raise my son the way you just described, I am going to raise my son the way I think is right.”  But I think Abraham learned from his past mistakes and didn’t take matters into his own hands this time.  He had the UNCOMMON faith to fully trust God and His way of doing and being right by being UNCOMMONLY obedient to what the Lord asked of him. (Rick Abordo)

An Uncommon Life

Throughout the years I have seen many people believe for and obtain the Promises of God in their lives.  For some it was a new job to provide for their family, for others it was a relationship they were certain was from God, and for some other people, it was simply things like a new car or a new house.  They all start off believing to receive those things as it was from the Lord.  They say things like, “The new car or house will help me to do the Lord’s work.”  Or they say, “At this new job that God is calling me, I am going to win a lot of people to the Lord.”  Or they say, ‘I know God brought this person into my life for a purpose.”  And unfortunately for some people, the exact opposite ends up happening.  

After they enter into the relationship, they stop coming to Life Group consistently, or the new job is asking them to work overtime on Sundays, or because of the new car or house, they find themselves working overtime to pay for those bills.  They started with good intentions and those very well may have been genuine promises from God, but those individuals took the weight of the responsibility for those promises upon themselves instead of giving them back to God by putting those promises back on His altar.  

As we near the closing of our 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, if there is anything God is talking to you about, let’s be willing to put those things back on His altar.  If we took on the weight of responsibility for His promises, let’s give it back to Him.  If things started to take us away from Him, let’s lay them at His altar once again.

Today’s Declaration

Lord, I come to Your altar, and if I have taken matters into my own hands to obtain Your promises for my life, I repent. If I took the responsibility to bear the weight to retain Your promises for my life, I repent. I will put my whole faith, trust, and obedience in You regarding any of Your promises for me.

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Genesis 50; Psalms 23
  • New Testament: Matthew 10:1-20; Acts 15:1-21