A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos

Today’s Bible Verse

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Revelation 3:20

Someone is Knocking at the Door

God, the Author of life, in His infinite wisdom created man in His image and likeness. However, man rebelled against Him and violated His laws. But the Lord in His great mercy, decided to pursue the man who was leaving His presence and prepared a plan of redemption. He took animals, sacrificing them for their skins and using them to cover man’s nakedness (Genesis 3: 21). This was the beginning of that plan of redemption that led to the death of Jesus on the Cross and His resurrection from the dead.

Jesus has carried out everything that needed to take place for our redemption to be complete. Now God expects us to respond positively to His infinite goodness and His boundless love. What an awesome picture this is. The Lord Jesus standing at the door of your heart knocking insistently, waiting for you to open it. When He comes, He does not come alone but brings the best with Him. He comes with abundant blessing and the amazing light of His life will bring splendor to your home. Sometimes, however, He is knocking but we are distracted by many other noises until finally our ears are opened and we realize He is standing at the door. You call, “Who is there?” And Jesus’ sweet voice answers, “I am.” What will your reaction be? If you decide to open the door of your heart, not only will you be able to enjoy the presence of Jesus in your life but You will also taste every blessing He has prepared for you.

Something to Think About

“My reckless style of living involved listening to satanic music, as well as being involved in the occult.” These were the first words Giancarlos Rojas spoke when sharing his testimony. “I did not grow up in a Christian family. At the age of 11, I experienced an identity crisis that pushed me into heavy drug use. The world I saw around me was one of immorality, violence and supposed fun.

“By March 3, 2001, I was facing a severe addiction to cocaine and marijuana. On one occasion, my sister invited me to a church meeting where I challenged God to change me. I was willing to do anything to be free from this oppression. After several previous attempts at changing, I had given up long ago. But that day, while on my knees with nothing but a desperate heart, I began to feel something entering my chest. I felt it go in, and travel up through my body and pass out through my head. I had no idea what was happening. All I know is that I could not stop weeping. I felt like I was the biggest sinner in the universe but there was someone there, maybe God. That person, whom I had never met before and did not recognize, was hugging me and showing me love despite my rebellious actions. On that day, March 3, 2001, when I got up from my knees I had not even the slightest doubt I had been truly delivered. The next couple of months, however, were a great inner battle. I went to my first encounter. Since the very first day of that encounter, I understood God was calling me to serve him, and He has held my hand since that very moment. Today, I lead a cell group and look forward to multiplying that cell into 12 new people this year. Beyond this, almost all the members of my family have become Christians. I can certainly say that Jesus is alive and that He can work miracles in the lives of those who believe in Him.”


“Dear Jesus, I have opened the door of my heart for You to come in and take complete control over my life. Thanks for all the blessings that You have brought into my life. Thanks for not giving up when I did not open the door. You patiently waited for me. Now I ask You to come in and never leave me or forsake me. Amen.”


“Jesus has complete control over my life. I enjoy His presence, His blessings, His provision and His joy.”

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Judges 10-12; Psalm 87
  • New Testament: Mark 6:45-56; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34