“I will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be FAITHFUL. You will have only PURE thoughts, because I will put My Spirit in you and make you EAGER TO OBEY My laws and teachings. You will once again live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be My people, and I will be your God.”

Ezekiel 36:26-28 (CEV)

Throughout the Bible, you will see there are a number of scriptures that make reference to the HEART. The Word not only refers to the function of the heart, but it makes continual mention as to the condition of the heart. Why is the heart so important?

In our physical body, the heart is the organ that carries the great responsibility of sustaining LIFE. It pumps blood throughout the entire body to deliver oxygen and vital LIFE- giving nutrients that empower the body to function. If it is not taken care of by keeping a discipline of eating right and getting regular exercise, the heart’s ability to function will be compromised. It can cause other parts of the body to become ill and hinder the LIFE that is supposed to being flowing through it.

In much the same way, our spiritual heart, carries a great responsibility also. It impacts the health of our spiritual and physical LIFE. If we don’t take proper precautions to protect it, to look after it by being disciplined in what we allow ourselves to “feed on” (what we listen to, what we read, what we watch, who we spend our time with), it can negatively affect our LIFE and the quality of LIFE of those around us as well.

Many of us through the course of our lives, have experienced hardship, heartache, heartbreak, disappointment and discouragement. And as a result, we may be walking around carrying those accumulated hurts of our past. If we don’t have an understanding of how to apply God’s Word to our lives, our heart will remain in an unhealthy place of brokenness. Nothing can be built well when the foundation of our heart is compromised.

Years ago, when I went through the sadness and heartache of divorce from my first marriage, I carried the weight of that experience with me for several years. As much as I desired to move on and move forward, I couldn’t because my heart was not healed. I didn’t see myself in a positive way. I focused on lies that filled my head, thinking and believing I was just “used goods”, not worthy of being loved. I didn’t see how I could raise my daughter in the midst of all the pain. Because my heart was not well, I contemplated thoughts that maybe my baby and everyone else would be better off without me.

One morning, while I was flipping through the channels on TV, I came across the Word of Life program and heard Pastor Art ministering. The Word he was ministering on the love of God, penetrated the hard-heart that had formed in me from the pain I had been walking in. And I desired to hear more. That very next Sunday, December 1, 1996, I made the decision to come to church and surrender everything to God. I then continued to take steps to purposefully connect myself to church, not just attending service, but also getting connected to a Life Group, attending classes, and serving in the House. Through engaging in all of these precious opportunities, I learned how to apply the Word to my life, and it created a process of healing and restoration. I became clear in my identity of who God says that I am, that I am loved by Him, that my life has great value. The stony heart I once had was transformed to a new heart – a faithful heart that was eager to obey God and His Word.

When I look back on that time 22 years ago, I never would have imagined what God would do in my life and my daughter’s life. Today, I am healed, whole, well and complete in Christ, married 18 years this year to my amazing, mighty man of God, Stan, have 3 beautiful children – Macaia, Marie and Matthias, and we serve in the House together as a family. It is an honor to now be able to help others to do the same as well. (Charli Abihai)

“I will guard and protect the new heart God has placed within me.”


    • Old Testament: Esther 2; Proverbs 15:18-33
    • New Testament: Luke 19:28-38; Titus 2:11-15