A Kidz Life Devotional

This Week’s Memory Verse

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

Genesis 12:2 (NIV)

The Promise

Hey Kids!

Did you know that all of God’s promises are for you? Yes, you can find them all in the Bible. God’s promises are great and powerful. It’s so huge, it will blow your mind! It’s a promise no one else can make happen, only God can do it.  

Like Abraham, our Bible superhero, God promised to make him a father of a great nation. This means that God was going to give him many children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great, great-grandchildren, and many great, great, great children to make a great nation! You know like the United States of America is our great nation of 326 million people! So just imagine he promised Abraham that his family would be something huge like our nation! Can you imagine having 326 million skittles in your house? Wow, that’s a lot!!  

Sounds easy, like one plus one equals two. God gives me a promise and it just happens! It is not as easy as it sounds. God will give you a powerful promise, but will you believe Him no matter what? Will you be able to praise God for the promise even when it doesn’t look like it is ever going to happen? And will you obey God when it seems hard? 

God shows you it is possible in Abraham’s life. When God gave him his gigantic promise, it looked impossible. How would Abraham be made into a great nation when he had zero children!!! Yes, you heard right, a big zero! And guess what, Abraham was very old, 100 years old and his wife Sarai was old too, 90 years old!! No way, could they have children since they were too old! It was impossible!!

But God told Abraham what he needed to do for the promise to happen! And guess what, Abraham trusted God so much that he did not question what God told him to do. He simply obeyed.

God told Abraham to get away from the people who stopped him from believing in the promise. And he obeyed and left those people. Are there friends that you hang out with that don’t believe in God or the Word of God which is God’s promise to you? Or friends that do evil things? You gotta let them go and get away from them.  

God told Abraham to stop looking at how old he was and how his wife could not have children and look up and see the many stars in the sky.  God told him as many stars you see in the sky are as many children you will have. And Abraham obeyed and kept looking at the stars to remind him of God’s promise to him. Was this easy? No, but he obeyed.

God gave Abraham a new name meaning the father of multitudes. He accepted his new name even though people made fun of him since he had no children. So, every time someone said his name, Abraham heard he is a father of multitudes and it helped him to see himself as God promised. Was it easy to accept his new name? No, but he obeyed.

Abraham believed in God’s promises even when it looked impossible and no matter how long it took, they never quit believing God could make it happen. While they waited, they kept on praising God and that gave them God’s strength and power to see the promise before it even happened!  

What are God’s promises for you? 

Find your promise in the Bible then do these things every day:

1. Believe in God’s Promise for you.  Don’t have doubt & unbelief.

2. See & picture God’s Promise happening in your life.  

3. Say God’s Promise out loud every day.

4. Never quit believing God’s Promise will happen in your life.

5. Praise God all the time for His Promise to you.

This Week’s Pledge of Honor

God’s promises are for me & He is faithful to make it come true.

This Week’s Bible Reading

In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6 (TLB)

I can do all things through Christ because He gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 (ICB)

And my God will give you everything you need because of His great riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (NLV)