
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

2 Corinthians 3:18

The Apostle Paul was able to develop his spiritual vision in a way that was so extraordinary that he could see with great clarity. What is it that the Apostle wanted us to see as well? His wanted to help us see the size and scope of our ministry.

Faith enables us to enter into a deep relationship with God and when we do this, we are able to transform negative circumstances into positive ones. We can also call things that don’t exist into existence. We can change chaos into something beautiful, and turn difficulties into stepping-stones that will lead us to conquer even greater blessings.

One of the exhortations that God writes to the church in Laodicea is to have their eyes anointed with ointment, so they could “see.” This church had fallen into a lukewarm faith and as a consequence, had lost their spiritual vision. Although on the outside the church looked good and to be prospering, on the inside the Lord said they were poor, naked and blind.

When we are in close fellowship with the Lord it’s as if our spirits catch hold of His glory, which in turn leads to our being transformed into His image. This whole experience is like what happened to Jacob when he wrestled with God at Peniel – a defining moment for him! It is why he named the place, “Peniel,” (The Face of God in Hebrew). “I saw God face to face, and my soul was set free” (Genesis 32:30b). To see God’s face also means that we will begin to see negative circumstances being transformed into positive ones. Even while wrestling with the angel, Jacob began to visualize how curse could be transformed into blessing. At that very moment Esau was advancing rapidly towards him with the express intention of killing him and his family. However, through Jacob’s prayer, God changed Esau’s heart and the spirit of hate disappeared. Finally, the relationship between the two brothers was restored.

Pastor Luis Barrios shared this testimony with me. “In the year 1992, during a family dinner, you gave me a prophetic word, Pastor Cesar. Through you, God said, “I will change your heart, and I will put the heart of a Pastor inside of you.” At that time, I was just a pharmaceutical businessman and I had never thought I would serve God in the ministry. The fulfillment of this word came to pass when the Lord called me and I was anointed as a Pastor for the Charismatic International Mission. I gave up my business to serve the Lord. From that moment, I saw God´s faithfulness upon my life and upon all my family.

Paul said, “We have been transformed…” The Word “transformed” comes from the Greek word, “metamorphosis”, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. As we spend time in the secret place with God, we will detach ourselves from the weak and carnal flesh. This will help us to acquire the character of Christ. We will have His mind and will see things just as He sees them.

“I can feel Jesus with me, and He is reflecting His image through me.”

Today’s post is an excerpt from Pastor Cesar Castellanos’ book, Declarations of Power for 365 Days of the Year: Volume One.

Our Bible Reading Plan gives 25 daily readings per month. There is no scheduled reading for today. You can use this time to catch up on any readings you may have missed, or read through previous passages again.