A Devotional by Pastor Cesar Castellanos

Today’s Bible Verse

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!”

Revelation 12:11-12a

Victory Over the Enemy

This is one of the most motivating passages in the Bible. Although the entire chapter is about what happens in the spiritual world and about the two forces that operate behind every Christian, it also tells us about the true overcomers.

In the beginning of the chapter we see the Dragon’s persecution of the woman, who represents the Church or Christians. Michael, one of the most powerful Archangels in the Kingdom of Heaven, together with his angels, confront the Dragon and cast him out of heaven, which leads to a great celebration in God’s Kingdom. Even though the battle had to be fought by Michael and his angels, all of the credit goes to the Christians, who are presented as great overcomers. What was it that the Christians did to receive the credit for this great victory?

They did three things:

  • They applied the blood of Jesus over their lives.
  • They testified with their words as to what the blood of Jesus did for them.
  • They offered their lives on God’s altar, and were even willing to die for their faith.

The battle in the spiritual realm is a war of “arguments”. Accordingly, the adversary manifests himself in four different forms:

  • The Dragon
  • The Serpent
  • The Devil
  • Satan

The dragon tries to instill fear and terror. The serpent tries to pass by unnoticed, craftily bewitching and deceiving his victims, so that he can later inject his poison. The devil is the one that accuses all believers day and night. Satan is the one that resists and opposes.

The adversary brings all kinds of arguments against believers everywhere. However, the declaration that Christians make about what the blood of Jesus has done for us is the most powerful argument we possess to be able to overcome the enemy. As it was expressed by one of the Psalmists: “Let the redeemed of the Lord say this—those who he redeemed from the hand of the foe” (Psalm 107:2).

Something to Think About

In a conference in Lima, Peru, after sharing this teaching, I encouraged the people who were present to declare with their own words how the blood of Jesus has redeemed their lives, as well as the lives of their loved ones. I remember saying, “There is someone here that has a son who has been very apathetic towards the things of God; his name is Carlos. Start praying by applying the blood of Jesus over his life and say, ‘By the blood of Jesus, Carlos is redeemed from the power of the enemy. Satan has no power over him because the blood has caused him to submit to the Kingdom of God.’” I added, “Even though the enemy may have many powerful arguments against your family, as you say this simple confession, it is your declaration about the blood of Jesus that will prevail”. The next day, as I arrived at the place we were meeting a woman approached to tell me this, “Pastor, I am Cristina the person you were referring to during the ministry time of your session. I applied that teaching, claiming my son for the Lord, who then gave me the victory. I would like to present to you my son, Carlos. This is the first time he has come to a meeting.


“Dear God, we are conscious of the fact that we are fighting a battle in the spiritual realm and that the adversary wants to establish a kingdom contrary to Yours. I know that Your Kingdom will be established on the Earth, because God is light, and Your light has dominion over the darkness. God is truth and this is what triumphs over lies. God is life, and this is what overcomes death. God is peace, and this is what overpowers terror. God is love, and this is what dispels hatred. God is prosperity, and this is what frees us from ruin. God is joy, and this is what removes sadness from our lives. God saved us from eternal condemnation. So, I thank You Lord for your awesome light that delivers us from all evil, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Today’s Declaration

“By the Blood of Jesus I am redeemed, I am protected, I am blessed and I am loved.”

Today’s Bible Reading

  • Old Testament: Genesis 12-14; Psalm 5
  • New Testament: Matthew 3:1-12; Acts 3